Card Sorts


Card sorts are a participatory tool to engage respondents in categorising, organising or ordering information. Cards often have visuals or text information. Card sorts can be used in interviews or focus groups.


Related Approaches and Tools

Participatory Rural Appraisal

Digital Tools

Thematic Analysis

Sensemaking Workshop

Generating Insights

Card sorts are a participatory tool to engage respondents in categorising, organising or ordering information. Cards often have visual or textual information. During interviews or focus groups, participants collaboratively sort cards into clusters or groups. Cards can also be used as visual conversations starters.

The activity has three objectives:

  • Encourage participants to reflect on their own lives and the changes related to the program
  • Help participants create categories of cards based on their experiences
  • Collect GESI-related insights through card groupings
Step 1. Clarify the objective of the card sort

In this first step, facilitators will need to reflect on exactly what they hope to achieve using a card sort. There can be multiple objectives. Some possible objectives include:

  • Breaking the ice in groups
  • Creating clusters or groups of information
  • Ranking information
  • Introducing topics for discussion
  • Identifying differences in individual perspectives
Step 2. Curate the cards

Identify the types of cards to be used in the sort. Options include but are not limited to:

  • Sanitation Technologies
  • Water Technologies
  • Physical Locations
  • People 
  • GEDSI Outcomes

Select a sub-set of cards to use with in the sort. 10-15 cards is a good number to start with. Add titles and random numbers to each card to aid in the collection and analysis processes. 

Step 3. Use the card sort

At the appropriate time during the interview or focus groups and follow these subs-steps:

  1. Introduce the cards by spreading them out in front of the participant(s).
  2. Clarify each card to make sure the participant(s) understand what they mean.
  3. Introduce the activity that you would like the participant(s) to do. Request that the participant(s) speak through their decisions.
  4. Step back and let the participants conduct the activity.
  5. Write down observations of cards that are difficult or require more discussion.
  6. Probe participant(s) to explain their decisions.
  7. Once the cards are sorted, ask the participant(s) if they wish to make any changes.
  8. Write down the order of the cards. You may want to also take a photograph of the sort.
Step 4. Data analysis, sensemaking and sharing

The final step is to analyse the responses to identify key themes and to share with relevant stakeholders.

  • Compile card sorts. We recommend using Excel or post-it notes and placing the cards across the top of the page as columns. Then, for each row place, the sort data for each participant or group.
  • Conduct thematic analysis. Drawing on the compiled sorts, search for patterns and themes within the data. Explore differences by age, gender, ethnicity,or other aspects. This may take on a different shape if the analysis is longitudinal, comparative, or retrospective.
  • Generate insights. Bringing together the compiled sorts and analysis to create insights from the data.
  • Sensemaking workshop. In a workshop setting, explore the data with a group of key stakeholders.


Travel Restricted Times

While card sorting is best done in person to ensure that facilitators can observe participants throughout the sort, they can also be completed using participatory methods.

Keeping in mind differences in access and literacy, think about different ways to facilitate and plan a card sort activity.

Computer and internet access

  • Conduct the activity on a collaborative platform (Mural, Micro, Google Slide or Google Sheet). This can be conducted individually or collaboratively as an interview, focus group or workshop through audio/video conferencing.
  • Conduct the activity as an online qualitative survey questionnaire  (Mentimeter, Phonic, Google or Microsoft Forms, Kobo, Airtable)

Smartphone and internet access

  • Conduct the activity on social media platform (Padlet, Facebook, Instagram) or messaging platform (Whatsapp, Messenger)
  • Conduct the activity as an online qualitative survey questionnaire  (Mentimeter, Phonic, Google or Microsoft Forms, Kobo, Airtable)


Basic phone access

  • Conduct the activity over the phone as an interview and have the enumerator fill in the canvases.

See an example of participatory activities using Google Slide.

Learn more on the digital tools page.


Gender Equality Outcomes Cards

This set of cards includes a selection of visualisation representations of possible gender equality  related outcomes.


PDF | 7 MB

People Cards

This set of cards includes a variety of stylised cartoon people from differnet backgrounds.


PDF | 6 MB

Location Cards

This set of cards includes a selection of different physical locations such as offices, schools and clinics.


PDF | 6 MB

Water Technology Cards

This set of cards includes a selection of water technologies.


PDF | 5 MB

Sanitation Technology Cards

This set of cards includes a selection of sanitation technologies.


PDF | 5 MB

Card Sorting Approaches

Pile Sorting

Participants sort cards into piles. The piles can be pre-determined or determined by the participants. 3-pile sorting using Likert scale options is common. For example, into 1) see often in my community; 2) see sometimes in my community; and 3) don’t see in my community.


Participants sort cards into a continuous spectrum. This allows cards to be ranked in a specific order. For example, cards can be ordered from ‘worst’ to ‘best’, or ‘most like me’ to ‘least like me’.  

Learn More

Murthy R.K. (2015) Gender-Sensitive Participatory Evaluation Methods. New Dehli, India.


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