Project Launch - Water for Women

ISF-UTS recently started work on its project “Strengthening WASH sector capacity on climate change” which will provide global WASH actors with knowledge, tools and case studies to proactively tackle climate change challenges in the WASH sector. The project draws on years of ISF-UTS experience conducting applied research on climate change and WASH in the Asia-Pacific region.

As part of the project, ISF-UTS will develop a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on climate change and WASH. The course will provide WASH practitioners, government staff, and students with the lasting thinking on climate change resilience and vulnerability and what it means for WASH. The course will be self-paced, free to access, and deliver practical knowledge and tools in an easy-to-understand format. The course is expected to be launched around mid-2022, so stay tuned!

ISF-UTS will also be delivering a series of webinar to UNICEF EAPRO country offices on climate change and WASH. Drawing on the recently completed Climate Change Response for Inclusive WASH project, and the latest thinking in the sector, ISF-UTS will support UNICEF EAPRO country offices to integrate community-level climate resilience for inclusive WASH into their ongoing programs.