World Vision Bangladesh Sense-making workshop - Water for Women

The Institute for Sustainable Futures – University of Technology Sydney (ISF-UTS), University of Rajshahi, and World Vision Bangladesh met together in a hybrid workshop on 22 August 2022 to make sense of and validate findings of the outcome assessment. Primary data collection for the outcome assessment was undertaken in March – April 2022 in three subdistricts where World Vision Bangladesh’s SHOMOTA project is being implemented.Based on piloting of the gender-transformative social accountability (GTSA) model in SHOMOTA project, the outcome assessment explored how can social accountability strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations, government and communities in planning, investing and delivering sustainable, inclusive WASH.

The outcome assessment found gender-transformative change outcomes were evident in (i) increased agency of women and people living with a disability, especially to participate and engage in decision-making in WASH governance (ii) equitable relations – gendered relations in households, at the community level, and changed relations between government officials and women and people living with a disability in formal governance structures. The outcome assessment identified significant contribution of GTSA to improved institutional structures for WASH governance, through activating non-functioning Ward and Union WATSAN committees and strengthening service user and provider relationships through dialogue. New allocation of government fundings mobilised through GTSA provided more inclusive WASH infrastructure.

The workshop participants discussed the methodological approach to the research and the contribution of the GTSA approach to gender equality and disability inclusion outcomes and improvements in WASH service levels found. Another important theme of discussion was the sustainability of the impact from the social accountability interventions on the communities in the pilot sites. World Vision Bangladesh were interested in future research comparing the experience of SHOMOTA in Bangladesh with a pilot of the gender-transformative social accountability model in another country context.

The Learning Paper from the outcome assessment will be shared on the ISF-UTS website and the Water for Women learning hub in the coming weeks. 

Author: Tamara Megaw (Senior Research Consultant, ISF-UTS)