Introducing the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene – Gender Equality Measure
About this project Team Latest news Research outputs Contacts Introducing the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene – Gender Equality Measure Globally, women and girls often bear the responsibilities for WASH, including water collection, cleaning, cooking, and childcare....
New research by ISF offers guidance on how WASH organisations can become more inclusive.
Inclusive WASH Workplaces ISF-UTS in partnership with their global research partners and expert advisors have developed guidance for the WASH sector to make WASH workplaces more inclusive. The guidance was built upon three years of research in Cambodia, Indonesia and...
Learning Series on Engaging the Private Sector in Inclusive WASH
About this project Team Latest news Research outputs Contacts Learning Series on engaging the Private Sector in Inclusive WASH Photo by: Sereypanha Sith (iDE Cambodia) ISF-UTS, along with the Water for Women Fund Partners (iDE, SNV, RTI, East Meets West/Thrive...
Launch of data collection in Vanuatu
In June 2021, the enumerator team in Vanuatu completed training at the University of the South Pacific and will soon commence data collection in Vanuatu. The team of eight enumerators, who have a diverse grounding in both environmental and social sciences, will carry...